Water vapor boundary (FA). Along this line we specify the so-called “effective water vapor boundary”, named in Fig. 4 as the “water vapor boundary” with a prescribed temperature of water vapor T ( R = 3.3 m m , z ) = 773 K. This is a numerical simplification of a more complex physical reality assumed near the phase transition water-vapor in the discharge chamber. The shape of the phase transition between water and vapor in the discharge chamber is not experimentally known and it is unclear so far if the structure of the transition is simple or very complicated, for example, with a time-dependent form. Various irregularities in the transition such as splitting of the phase transition or water drops in the vapor phase can increase complexity of the transition. In (Jeništa, 2003a) the iteration procedure for determination of the mass flow rate and the radius of the “water vapor boundary” for each current was proposed, based on comparison with available experimental temperature and velocity at the outlet and the electric potential drop in the chamber. It was concluded that the best fit between experiment and numerical simulation for all currents exists for a mean arc radius of 3.3 mm. The corresponding values of water mass flow rates are 0.228 g s⁻¹ (300 A), 0.286 g s⁻¹ (350 A), 0.315 g s⁻¹ (400 A), 0.329 g s⁻¹ (500 A), 0.363 g s⁻¹ (600 A). The magnitude of the radial inflow velocity is calculated from the definition of mass flow rate
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